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7-15 * Wisdom from Nikki Coppa

Writer's picture: WomanUP!WomanUP!

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Hello WomanUP!® Community!

Our show kicked off with some announcements from Sara:

DRE Update

Yesterday, the Governor issued an Executive Order N-71-20 affecting DRE Licensees. Highlights include extending the following until December 31, 2020:

  • timeframes associated with examination application expiration dates

  • timeframes associated with license expiration dates

  • deadlines related to the payment of license application fees

  • deadlines related to the payment of license renewal fees

  • deadlines related to completing continuing education requirements for expiring licensees

- DRE is also cancelling real estate salesperson and broker license exams at the Oakland Examination Center in Alameda County through July 31, 2020.

  • contact DRE’s Licensing program at (877) 373-4542 or by email at

- SBA EIDL Loan Update:

  • On July 11, the SBA announced that it has discontinued making Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”) emergency grants to new applicants, having allocated the full $20 billion that was appropriated by Congress for the program. EIDL loan applications will still be processed by the SBA, even though the emergency grant is no longer available. Keep in mind that EIDL loans are not forgivable and will need to be repaid. This is reflected in our FAQs found here - .

Debra also shared some community updates:

  • Share Your Story or recommend an inspiring woman:

    • Virtual Passes on sale→

After the updates, our leaders dove into a WomanUP!® WaveMaking Wisdom chat with Nikki Coppa, Chief Compliance Officer at Century 21 Award.

Click the image below to watch the replay.

Prefer to watch it on YouTube? Click here.


Leading In Times of Crisis Series Q+A

Nikki oversees all operations and production for her office as the Chief Compliance Officer at Century 21 Award. Problem solving, teaching, listening, and providing inspiration in a very tough industry are her main responsibilities.

She also works with agents to enhance their skill sets and increase their efficiency and profitability.

Her philosophy: Happy agents are successful agents!

Q1: What do you believe is the biggest opportunity for leaders right now?

Building loyalty with their people. Your agents and employees are scared. When you provide information, guidance, and emotional support you have an opportunity to build a bond that is tough to build with independent contractors at any other time. You must remain honest, positive, and strong.

Q2: How about the biggest CHALLENGE?

Keeping agents engaged and sane. The mental and emotional damage caused by isolation and fear have been the most challenging things during the pandemic. Change is difficult because agents are scared. That fear and isolation turns to depression very quickly. Trying to keep agents engaged through this so they do not fall in to a depression is an everyday challenge.

Q3: What advice and resources are you sharing the most?

I utilize Zoom for video meetings, calls and conferencing almost all day, every day. The best advice I have been able to give is that each day when we wake up, we have a choice to make. We can think of what we have and can do, or we can think of what we do not have and cannot do. The choice we make will determine our financial and emotional health. We may not be able to control the circumstances in our world right now, but we have absolute control over how we choose to react to those circumstances.

Q4: What tips do you have for leaders on how to communicate effectively right now?

Control the narrative. Do not wait for clarity, as there is no clarity thorough this. Communicate what you know clearly and often. Be real and transparent about what is happening now, and what you anticipate will be happening in the future. Don't conceal the tough decisions you have had to make or may have to make. Make decisions swiftly and make them right.

Additional Words of Wisdom

Figure out how the changes you have made can benefit your company and agents for the remainder of 2020 and beyond. Be proactive, not reactive. You are only on pause if you choose to be.


Did you miss a past episode of our Weekly UPdates + Wisdom show? No worries, we've got them all HERE.

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